- Subfonds1 - Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat
- SeriesS2 - Daftar Arsip Statis UNESCO Global Geopark(UGG) Ciletuh-Palabuharatu
- FileF3 - Bidang Industri Pariwisata
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- Item47 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Hotel Augusta Palabuhanratu about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/55/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item48 - Perjanjian Kerjasama antara Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan Hotel Karangsari tentang Penyediaan Hotel dan Sarana Akomodasi dalam rangka Pengembangan Geopark Nasional Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu sebagai Destinasi Pariwisata Nasional dan Internasional Nomor 119/50/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item49 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Hotel Bunga Ayu about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/51/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item50 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Hotel Bayu Amirta about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/49/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item51 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Desa Resort about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/46/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item52 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Hotel Dunia Room about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/42/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item53 - Perjanjian Kerjasama antara Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat dengan Hotel Pantai Mutiara Penyediaan Hotel dan Sarana Akomodasi dalam rangka Pembangunan Geopark Nasional Cileuh – Palabuhanratu sebagai Destinasi Pariwisata Nasional dan Internasional Nomor 119/48/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item54 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Hotel Mahkota Pantai about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/53/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
- Item55 - Cooperation Agreement Between Provincial Government West Java With Hotel Kumala Samudra about Provision and Accomodation Facilities for National Geopark Ciletuh – Palabuhanratu Development as National and International Tourism Destinations Nomor 119/47/Pemksm. Tahun 2017
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